Shaylee truly does love her brother. She feels it is her duty to give him enough kisses and cuddles to last a lifetime. Malachi truly loves his sister, but sometimes gets a little worried when she is constantly in his face kissing on him... I pray that they will grow up having an awesome love and bond between them.

Shaylee decided that Malachi needed a little company... Can you sing with me: "One of these things is not like the other..." :)
Then Shaylee had to join in the fun!

These are the most precious people in the world to me... LOVE THEM!
More lovin' - do you see the worried look I mentioned earlier?

Cai learned to roll over from his belly to his back. He doesn't do it very often though. Here he is as I am trying to get him to roll over so I can catch it on video...
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