Saturday, November 27, 2010

More Fun in November

Kiddos in November:

Shaylee is walking more and more - she still has a limp, but she is getting faster. If she still limps in another week or two we will talk to the doctor about it. :) Shaylee also believes that she knows best about most things. She loves to pick out her own clothes and doesn't believe Mommy should have any say in it. She has worn a dress for the last week now... She is a much happier and more obedient girl now that she is walking again - HUGE PRAISE! :)

Malachi popped 2 new teeth. He is still our smily happy baby boy and we love him so much! He now says, "Mamamama" and "Dadadada" and "Babababa". He is going to be a talker just like his sister! (I am trying to prepare myself for that even now). :)

More Snow...

Freezing cold outside and just a little dusting of snow, but oh so much fun!


We've got lots of cousins! Here are the boys: Malachi, 6 mos; Bryce, 18 mos; Landon, 6 mos.

Girls: Katie - 4, Shaylee - 3, Addie - 3, Caybrie - 20 mos, Karalyn - 3, Elsie - 3 weeks.

All of us together. :)


We were driving up to Grammies house and decided to "chase the fog". So, we drove up a little bit higher trying to catch the clouds - much to our surprise, we found snow! Shaylee was so very excited!

I hope they always love each other this much...

Park Fun

We had a few balmy 70 degree November days - so we hit the park. I stuck Shaylee up in this tree and found she really doesn't like heights... Here she is holding on for dear life!

Malachi's first time in the big boy swing - he loves it!

I tried to put both kids in the swing together - neither one of them enjoyed that very much!
Me and my little man.

Such a Good Mommy

She takes such good care of all her babies. I have no idea how she could actually sleep like this!

Fun in the Leaves

Monday, November 1, 2010

Malachi is eating food

We couldn't keep it from him any longer. He was grabbing at our food and trying to get it into his mouth, so we decided we should give him some of his own. :)



We went out trick or treating in our neighborhood. Daddy carried Malachi while Mommy pushed our crippled daughter in the stroller.
Some of Shaylee's cool treats...

Malachi was pretty much done by this point.

Our kiddos look thrilled, don't they?

Our little tiger, Malachi...

Our dragon, Shaylee - or as she says, she is a "dragonfly". :)

Carving Pumpkins

Uncle Bug had never carved a pumpkin before - can you believe it? Looks like he found a new hobby - he had a blast! :)

Here is Shaylee's pumpkin "before".

Pretty amazing pumpkins - of course, Uncle Bug's is the one "up-chucking".