My Aunt Heather got married and I got to be a flower girl in her wedding along with 4 of my cousins. Mommy said I did a very good job - especially since I didn't get much sleep and the wedding was right in the middle of my naptime! Here are some pictures from the wedding:

I loved my "pitty" dress! ;)

I had a fun time picking the flowers off of my mommy's bouquet!

Me and all my cousins with Auntie Heather! We all even walked up the aisle without making a fuss!

Daddy got to chase me all over the place - here he is bringing be back - AGAIN. :)

When Auntie Heather and Uncle Michael left, everyone threw this wedding rice at them. Well, it was just sitting on the walkway, so I thought I would pick it out of the cracks and eat it - it tasted like sugar! I was quite content just sitting here eating it.

1 comment:
Adorable pics! Looks like it was a beautiful wedding
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