Wednesday, March 30, 2011


We took a "hike" with our friends to the Jackson Bottom Wetlands. (Shaylee thinks it is so funny that it is called "Jackson BOTTOM". Oh, 3 year olds....

Our little Mohawk Man!

We went out shopping like this and got so many smiles! :)

Rice Cereal

Shaylee gave Cai some dry rice cereal, which he slobbered all over and managed to get stuck on every single spot of his body...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

All Boy!

All Grown Up

Our kiddos are growing up TOO fast!

Here is Malachi helping unload the dishwasher (Shaylee liked to do the same thing at this age).
Shaylee unloads the washer, then loads the dryer with only a few clean clothes landing on the floor...

Can you believe Cai is big enough to sit at this table with his big sister? You can tell he is pretty proud of himself!
They love time outside riding bikes. Shaylee, you better look out, Malachi is going to be riding after you before you know it! He loves to hang on to the bars while we push him around!

Our Cute Kids

Our Big Boy here - he always has bruises on his face it seems... He pulls himself up on everything and sometimes he pulls stuff over on top of himself - these bruises were from Shaylee's shopping cart...

Shaylee thought it was great that she could play tea party and not have Cai mess with her stuff.

And here is Cai - just happy to be standing and watching his sister!

The smallest places are the most fun!


We finally got some snow and we had so much fun sledding and making snow angels!

Things we do to pass the time...

Here is what a day in our life looks like...

Mommy leaves the pantry open and Malachi reorganizes it - Shaylee then comes in to help construct a fort out of food...

Then Shaylee decides she is going to cook a "little brother soup"
And of course, Big Sister has to do everything that her little brother does...
Since Mommy has the camera out, Shaylee needs to be a photogapher for a few minutes and Mommy and Cai say "Cheese"!
We take a walk to the park on a rare sunny day!
And we take a walk to the park on the much more common cold and rainy days... Shaylee is a great helper when it comes to pushing Cai.

We climb all over the bookshelves, because it's just cool, then we usually remove all the books from the shelves because that is just fun too!
Shaylee shows off her cute new headband, though it is kinda hard to see...
And we play music together!